Tuesday 29 April 2014

CopyProfile fails with FindLatestProfile failed (0x80070003) error during Windows 7 deployment

If you are getting error code 0x80070003 in windows 7 then your computer is in big trouble but you can fix this error by the given process to fix error code 0x80070003 in windows 7. When your computer boots into mini setup then you may receive “Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file for pass [specialize]. The settings specified in the answer file cannot be applied. The error was detected while processing settings for component [Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup]” error message in the computer screen. There are so many causes of this error that is available in the below paragraph. You can also fix the error code 0x80070003 here. The removal process of error code 0x80070003 in windows 7 is also given in this page.

Causes of error code 0x80070003 in windows 7

The error code 0x80070003 that is occurring in your computer that is windows 7 based due to registry setting. If any incorrect information is available in the registry file then you may receive the error message that is explained above. The error is in the given sub keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList that is available in the registry window.

Process to fix error code 0x80070003 in windows 7

If you are thinking how to remove windows 7 error code 0x80070003 then here you can fix this error. First of all open command prompt and then run the following command.

DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:<path to the wim file> /index:<index number> /MountDir:<Path to an empty Mount Directory>

After executing the above command open the registry editor. To open it clicks on start and then type regedit in the search box and then press enter and then open regedit.exe. When the registry window will appears then select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then click on Load Hive that is present in the file menu and then locate the mount file in which the wim file mounted from the above command and then you have to open %WINDIR%\System32\Config folder and then click on software. If you are prompted to a key name then you have to type test. After that in the registry editor locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\test\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\ProfileList sub keys and then delete the key which corresponds for the user profile that is fully based on the Image path value. After applying these steps in my computer I fix my pc and my pc is now working very well.

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