Friday 28 March 2014

Receiving 0x00000050 Stop error when Windows tries to back up registry hives on a Windows Vista based computer

If you are thinking how to remove 0x00000050 error code in windows vista and if I am right then you are in right place. When Windows try to back up registry hives on a windows vista or windows server 2008 based computer then the computer hangs and you will receive the following error message.

Stop 0x00000050 (parameter1, 00000000, parameter3, 00000000)

In the above error the parameter depend on the system configuration. You can fix this error message here easily. This is a BSOD error. It means blue screen of death error.

Causes of 0x00000050 error in windows vista

The error generate due to registry subsystem unmaps a view that is being used when the registry is large and when memory connection occurs. This is very serious situation for your computer. This error is very critical to remove. But you can remove this error from the given process in the below paragraph.

How to remove 0x00000050 error code in windows vista

The removal of this error is not an easy process this is very critical to remove the error that is occurring in the computer. The error code 0x00000050 is overcome by system restore or system formatting. If your computer is able to start then you can restore your system. To restore it go to start button and then click on all programs after clicking on it click on accessories then click on system tools and now click on system restore. You will see the system restore window will be open. In this window click on next and then here you have to choose the restore point. You can choose the restore point here. And then click on next button. Your computer will restart automatically and your computer is restored.

If your computer is not able to start that means when you are starting then you are getting the error message in blue screen then it has to must format your computer with windows installation CD/DVD. There is no any option you have to choose. You have an option but it works when your computer starts. You can use third party tool. The tool option may helpful for you. I fix my pc from tool option and the error 0x00000050 has removed from my system. It really works very well.


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